Honorary Doctor of Science, honoris causa (DSc)

Western University

We are pleased to announce that Westren University will be awarding honorary Doctor of Science, honoris causa (DSc), to Kumar Murty.

Kumar is a noted mathematician whose accomplishments range across number theory, algebraic geometry, information security and mathematical modelling. 

He received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1982. From 1982 to 1987 he held research positions at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and Concordia University in Montreal. In 1987, he was appointed associate professor at the University of Toronto, and in 1991 he was promoted to full professor. He served as chair of the department of mathematics at the university during 2008-2013 and again during 2014-2017. 

His research has been recognized through numerous awards including the Coxeter-James Prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society in 1991, the E. W. R. Steacie Fellowship and election to the Royal Society of Canada in 1995. 

In 2019, he was appointed director of Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences.  

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