There are several requests that can be processed by the Undergraduate Office in the Department of Mathematics. Requests must be made as far in advance as possible and preferably before the start date of the courses. Forms submitted after the course start may not receive full consideration. Under normal circumstances, the department cannot process any requests made after the last date of registration for any given semester. Please check the sessional dates as indicated by the Arts & Science Calendar. Information is provided below on four of our more common requests that our undergraduate students have:
If you do not have a prerequisite to take a particular APM or MAT course in the Department of Mathematics, you can request for the prerequisites to be waived. All requests must be reasonable and there are no guarantees that your request will be approved. You will be removed from courses if you do not have the appropriate prerequisites or approval to waive courses. The Department of Mathematics cannot approve waivers if a course is required for other programs not affiliated with our department.
Winter 2025 deadline: January 8th, 2025
Do you wish to take another course in place of a course required for program requirements? If you are a math student in the Faculty of Arts and Science, there is chance that it may be approved. The form is only available to the Department of Mathematics Subject Posts only. This waiver only applies to requirements for the mathematics program. It does not apply for degree requirements.
A reading course is an independent study that is supervised by a faculty member. The topic must be outside the undergraduate offerings.
A research course is independent research under the direction of a faculty member. Similar workload to a 72L course.
Neither are eligible for CR/NCR option. Minimum GPA of 3.0 in math courses, as well as permissions from the prospective supervisor and Associate Chair, Undergraduate are also required.
Winter 2025 deadline: December 13th, 2024
Process to apply and eligibility requirements: Notes and Eligibility Requirements
Undergraduate students in the Department of Mathematics may be granted permission to take a graduate course sponsored by an Arts & Science graduate unit as part of the student’s undergraduate degree.
January 2025 deadline: December 6th, 2024
Process to apply and eligibility requirements: (Eligibility Requirements.pdf)
Prerequisites for graduate courses: (Graduate Course Prerequisites.pdf)